Paralyzed By Guilt

There was a paralyzed man whose friends carried him to Jesus for healing (Luke 5:17-26).

The man being carried by his friends carried guilt in his heart.

This guilt paralyzed the man spiritually, emotionally, and relationally.

Before Jesus healed the man of paralysis, Jesus healed the man of guilt by forgiving his sins.

Why did Jesus forgive this man’s sins and heal him of guilt before he healed the man of paralysis?

Jesus understood guilt is paralyzing.

-Guilt keeps people from moving forward in their relationship with God because it makes them feel rejected by God and distant from him.

-Guilt keeps people from moving forward in life because it produces within them shame (self-hatred and self-condemnation).

-Guilt keeps people from moving forward in their relationships with others because it drives them away from people physically and emotionally.

Jesus knew for the paralyzed man to move forward in his relationship with God, in life, and in his relationship with others, he first needed to be healed of guilt.

Jesus gracefully forgave this man, healing his paralysis of guilt.

You may feel similar to this man…carrying guilt in your heart.

Possibly, this guilt may have paralyzed you, effecting your relationship with God and others, and preventing you from moving forward in life because of shame.

Jesus offers you his gracious forgiveness.

Jesus paid your sin-debt when he died on the cross for all of our sins.

Today receive forgiveness by placing your faith in Jesus.

Believe he loves you and died for your sins.

Knowing we are forgiven is a truth we must continually appropriate in our lives.

Guilt from sins will continually seek to paralyze us spiritually, emotionally, and relationally.

We must continually tell ourselves we are forgiven to prevent this paralysis.

After Jesus healed the paralysis of guilt within the man, Jesus then healed this man’s body of paralysis.

The man could not only walk in freedom physically, but he could also walk in freedom spiritually, emotionally, and relationally.

Today you, too, can walk in freedom from guilt because of the gracious forgiveness that Jesus secured for you on the cross.

Brad Robertson

Brad’s passion is to reach people with grace and teach people about grace. If you enjoy Brad’s posts, check out his books on Amazon. Also, please consider making a donation to Gracereach to reach more and more people with the good news of grace. Thank you.


Righteousness Must Be A Gift (Romans 5:17)


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