What is Gracereach?

Gracereach is about reaching more and more people all over the world with the good news of God’s grace freely given to us in Jesus so they can experience transformed lives.

Sadly, most people have never experienced the life-changing truths of grace.
Our aim is to communicate the good news of grace in a variety ways so many people can hear about grace.

All this is for your benefit, so the grace that is reaching more and more people
may result in thanksgiving overflowing to the glory of God.

2 Corinthians 4:15

Gracereach Conference

The Gracereach Conference is a teaching conference by Brad Robertson on the biblical truths of God’s grace. The next conference is October 20 - 21, 2023. For more information on the conference, click on Events in the above menu.


See people’s lives transformed by God’s grace


Reach people with grace and teach people about grace 


Brad Robertson learned about the life-changing truths of God’s grace in 1991. Since this time, it has become Brad’s passion to teach others the transforming truths of God’s grace.


Our strategy is to create content and make connections to communicate the good news of God’s grace in a variety of ways.

Social Media

Millions of people all over the world are active on social media, which makes social media a massive mission field to share the message of God’s grace. Through Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, we are we are reaching people with the gospel of grace.


Through teaching videos, Brad helps people all over the world come to a deeper understanding of the Bible as they are educated about the gospel of grace. Check out Brad’s YouTube Channel.

The Gracereach Podcast

A Podcast is one of the most effective ways to reach people with grace and teach people about grace. The Gracereach Podcast is reaching people all over the world as Brad teaches about the good news of God’s grace. Check out The Gracereach Podcast with Brad Robertson on iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcast, Anchor, and most other podcast platforms.

In-Depth Bible Study Notes

Brad develops in-depth Bible study notes that accompany his teachings. These notes are sent out all over the world to believers, pastors, and ministry leaders. If you would like to receive his weekly notes, complete the Gracereach Newsletter form at the bottom of this page, and you will receive his weekly teaching notes.

Addicted To Grace Recovery Groups

People all over the world are struggling with addictions, producing shame, guilt, and self-condemnation. Through Addicted to Grace recovery groups, those battling with addictions participate in grace-based recovery groups designed to help them grow in grace. We currently have a group meeting in Baton Rouge, LA at Grace Life Church. If you are interested in starting an Addicted To Grace Recovery Group in your community, please contact us.


Through Brad’s books, we are able to teach believers and ministry leaders all over the world about God’s grace. PDF’s are sent to missionaries and ministry leaders in other parts of the world so they can teach God’s grace to others. In addition, we partner with addiction recovery ministries and prison ministries to get Brad’s books to those in need of learning about grace.

Grace-Based Bible Studies

We create and offer grace-based, new covenant-based Bible studies for personal and group use. Additionally, we offer live Zoom Bible studies. Currently, we have a Zoom Bible study on Luke. If you would like the notes and/or link to the study, complete the Gracereach Newsletter information at the bottom of the page.


GracereachU is the college ministry of Gracereach. Through GracereachU, college students have the opportunity to learn about God’s grace in small group Bible studies. If you are interested in starting a GracereachU on a campus near you, please contact us.

Gracereach Generation Next

Sadly, elementary, middle school, and high school students are not hearing the gospel in the churches and ministries they are involved. Thousands of students attend Summer Camps and Fall Retreats but never hear the gospel. The vision of Gracereach is to proclaim the gospel of grace to these students so they do not grow up having never been taught the gospel. Additionally, from these students, we believe future generations will hear the gospel of grace so that many will be saved and proclaim the gospel to the next generation. Our goals are:

  • Equip youth leaders to share the gospel of grace

  • Establish grace-based ministries on middle and high school campuses

  • Educate students about the gospel of grace through Summer Camps and Fall Retreats so they can learn about the gospel in their generation and pass it on to the next generation.

The Galatians Project

Our goal is to equip pastors and believers to lead Bible studies on Galatians in their churches and communities, as well as online. If you are interested in leading a Bible study on Galatians, or simply would like to learn more about Galatians, watch the complete The Gracereach Project on YouTube.

The Strategic Church Project

The Strategic Church Project is designed to educate people about grace-based church planting, as seen by Paul in Acts, and to equip people to establish grace-based churches in their communities. Additionally, The Strategic Church Project is about training existing church leaders on how to turn their church into a grace-based church. Also, The Strategic Church is about helping members of churches introduce their church leaders or church family to the good news of grace in a non-combative way. If you would like to be a part of The Strategic Church Project, CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION.

Support The Vision

Through these different ministries, we are reaching and teaching people about the transforming truths of God’s grace.

Gracereach is funded by the generous financial support of others. If you would like to support the current ministries of Gracereach as well as help us expand our reach with the gospel, click the Donate Button.

Thank you!

Stay Informed

At the bottom of this page, sign up for the Gracereach Connection to receive monthly updates on the Gracereach vision and mission, as well as receive Brad’s weekly Bible study notes and links to the study.

Gracereach Connection

Sign up with your email address to receive monthly updates, teaching videos, and blogs! You will also receive detailed Bible study notes and opportunities to join online Bible studies. Check your email to confirm the subscription. If you did not receive a confirmation email, check your spam or trash.

Your email will only be used for emails from Gracereach and will not be provided to others. You may opt out at anytime.

“All this is for your benefit, so the grace that is reaching more and more people may result in thanksgiving overflowing to the glory of God.” 2 Corinthians 4:15